Workshop 5: THE USE AND MISUSE OF AI Back to Main SPEAKER: Carlo Mañalac FollowFollow Carlo, a consultant in chatbot marketing, consistently delivers genuine results based on his expertise in crafting chatbots across diverse industries. As a proven Chatbot developer,...
Workshop 2: THE RIGHT CONTENT FOR YOU Back to Main SPEAKER: Crystha Shayne Funcion FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Hello hello! Shayne is recognized for her distinct greetings infused with her unique laughter. A licensed nurse by profession and a creative missionary by...
CSMSv12 Day 2: Plenary Session 4: HYBRID: What's Next? Back to Main SPEAKER: Msgr. Pedro Quitorio III Follow CBCP Media Director Msgr. Pedro Quitorio III serves as the Spiritual Director of the Nativity of Our Lady College Seminary and holds the position of Chair of...
CSMSv12 Day 2: Plenary Session 3: COMMUNE Back to Main SPEAKER: Most Rev. Marcelino Antonio Maralit JR., DD Follow Bishop, Diocese of Boac Chairman, Episcopal Commission on Social Communications On December 31, 2014, Pope Francis appointed Father Marcelino Antonio...