Workshop 5: THE USE AND MISUSE OF AI Back to Main SPEAKER: Carlo Mañalac FollowFollow Carlo, a consultant in chatbot marketing, consistently delivers genuine results based on his expertise in crafting chatbots across diverse industries. As a proven Chatbot developer,...
Workshop 4: UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL MEDIA ANALYTICS Back to Main SPEAKER: Sarah Borja FollowFollow Renowned for transforming raw data into strategic advantage, Sarah shows a proven track record of employing her prowess as a spreadsheet expert. Her adept skills in...
Workshop 3: THE ADVANTAGE OF USING CHATBOTS AND MESSAGING Back to Main SPEAKER: Dominic Barrios FollowFollow Meet Dominic, the Chatbot Builder, dedicated to assisting automotive industries in boosting their leads through the automation of lead generation processes and...
Workshop 2: THE RIGHT CONTENT FOR YOU Back to Main SPEAKER: Crystha Shayne Funcion FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Hello hello! Shayne is recognized for her distinct greetings infused with her unique laughter. A licensed nurse by profession and a creative missionary by...
Workshop 1: ON REELS AND STORIES Back to Main SPEAKER: Fr. Jboy Gonzales, SJ FollowFollowFollow Fr. Jboy is a vibrant and free-spirited content creator with a playful demeanor. His expertise spans radio, theater, social media, and television hosting, showcasing his...