CSMSv10 Session 2: Shayne Funcion

CSMSv10 Session 2: Shayne Funcion

SESSION 2: Bringing Christ to the world of Hashtags Back to Main Session 2 SPEAKER: Crystha Shayne Funcion FollowFollowFollowFollow Shayne is a content creator who writes blogs and makes vlogs to help people find joy and hope in life. Shayne was a missionary for...
CSMSv10 Session 2: Kirby Llaban

CSMSv10 Session 2: Kirby Llaban

SESSION 2: Fire Up Your Message: How Aspiring Catholic Creators Can Create Impact and Influence Online Back to Main Session 2 SPEAKER: Kirby Llaban Kirby Llaban is the creator of Fired Up Life. He is an author of 2 books: The Fired Up Life: Passion Principles to...